Principal Welcome Letter
Welcome returning and new Wadsworth families!! I hope all enjoyed their summer break and are ready to begin a new school year! Just a reminder of these safety measures:
- Please do not drop students off before 8:20 am, as we do not have staff supervision to watch students. A supervisor will monitor students who are eating breakfast.
- While dropping off child(ren) in am, please utilize drop off line (in front of school). Please remain in your vehicle. Children should exit out passenger side of car. Please do not park and walk your child(ren) to the front doors of school.
- While in car pick up line please place student pick up “Number” in windshield (which will be passed out on “Meet the Teacher Night) and remain in vehicle. Students should walk to their vehicle and enter in car on passenger side. For safety reasons, please refrain from parking and walking to building to drop off/pick up your child(ren). Additionally, the Town of Griffith has passed a town ordinance for parking in restricted areas during school hours. Griffith Police will issue tickets to those who park in such areas.
- Notify changes in transportation to office prior to 10 am, unless in an event of a true emergency.
- Parents who walk and pick up their child(ren) should remain in grassy area across from school.
- Please refrain from bringing dogs on school property
Much appreciation,
Mrs. Jaros, Wadsworth Principal