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Our Commitment


In order to advance our shared vision of an exemplary school we will:

·      Follow the state of Indiana’s curriculum standards;

·      Use approved instructional models, textbooks, and materials adopted by our school corporation;

·      Apply assessments and retrieved data to track growth and to make curricular decisions;

·      Share information collaboratively to track skills being missed or needing improvement;

·      Effectively utilize instructional personnel;

·      Maintain high expectations of all students to make progress, given sufficient time and support;

·      Seek funding for programs to help at risk students;
Safe Environment

·      Adhere to established expectations and consistent consequences for students’ behavior while they are in public areas;

·      Promote communication among staff members on student behavior issues;

·      Oversee the safe arrival and dismissal of students;

·      Actively participate in the maintenance and beautification of our physical environment;

·      Provide additional student and staff recognition;

·      Demonstrate our commitment to treating all students with kindness and respect;

·      Uphold a professional code of ethics and privacy toward all students and their families;

·      Encourage promptness of students and staff for all activities;

·      Display professional manner and dress;
Parental Involvement

·      Encourage parents to become involved in opportunities to share their time and talents;

·      Furnish parents with resources, programs, and materials on topics related to the betterment of their child; and

·      Involve parents in the education of their children by keeping them informed of student progress and offering suggestions for assisting their students.